Project Unisono
SuperTonic Orchestra with support from Dulcis Polonia Choir
[blockquote_right]Wednesday 11th November at 8pm
in The Main Space [/blockquote_right]
The music of SuperTonic Orchestra is an eclectic mix of contemporary music, folk and klezmer music. The orchestra has developed a modern sound, borrowing ideas from genres such as reggae, rock and jazz, yet maintaining the sensitivity of its traditional style. The inspiration was taken from the culture of societies that have lived in Poland in the past.
Dulcis Polonia Choir has been singing at many Polish parties and celebrations across Ireland for the past 3 years. The choir has become famous for the divine voices of the beautiful Polish singers.
MC on the night will be Piotr Czyżewski, armed with a positive attitude and great energy for the concert. He is an honoured historian and master of ceremony. As a history enthusiast Piotr has vast knowledge. He’s a founder and leader of the “Klub Historyczny im. Hrabiny Markiewiczowej w Dublinie” (Countess Markievicz History Club in Dublin).
[cta headline=”Tickets €12″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://” ] Book tickets for Project Unisono today![/cta]