Clown Noir
A one hour-long physical comedy that combines clown, storytelling and circus skills
[blockquote_right] 16 + 17 May | 8pm | Boys School [/blockquote_right]
Joe Bloodworth, a homeless old clown, busks for money. Yet the audience does not go to see his skills they go to listen to the stories of his past. Exotic tales from St Petersburg, the glamour, the drink, and the mafia. We listen as the Iron curtain falls and Joe heads for the border back into Europe before returning home penny-less, with just the objects and memories he’s collected along the way but ultimately free and happy.
Written & Performed by : Simon Thompson
Directed by : Eva Birdthistle
Lighting Design by : Rg Allen
Suitable for Ages 15+
[cta headline=”Tickets €12.50/€10 conc” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://”]Book tickets for Nose Business today![/cta]