
Stephen Mullan: Son of a Preacher Man

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First Fortnight Festival 2019

Stephen Mullan | Lisa Richards

[blockquote_right]1 – 5 Jan | 8pm | Boys’ School[/blockquote_right]

From the church to the psych ward, Stephen’s life started with Jesus and almost ended with the Tellytubbies.

Childhood Sundays were for watching Dad deliver sermons and Mam lead evangelical worship time, but how was he going to survive being so uncool in ’90s small-town Ireland?

Due to phenomenal demand and following on from his sell out run at the Dublin Fringe, Stephen Mullan brings his debut stand-up comedy hour to Smock Alley, in which he shares his coming-of-age story about a boy who was brought to the edge of his own life, and who lives to tell the hilarious tale of how sexcapades, drug overdoses and a surprise baby meant that he was, in his own way, born again.

Contains strong language & sexual references
Running time : 60 mins

[cta headline=”Tickets €15 | €12 student/OAP/Unwaged Concession” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=https://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873597208]Book tickets for Stephen Mullan: Son of a Preacher Man today![/cta]