Eoghan Carrick/ Nessa Matthews
Dublin Fringe Festival 2018
[blockquote_right] 18 – 22 Sep at 9:15pm | 22 Sep at 4pm | Black Box[/blockquote_right]
Captain’s Log, Stardate (whatever). A lone astronaut hurtles through the cosmos on a one-way mission to the edge of the universe. She’s looking for a light in the dark. The source of a signal. Traversing time and space, isolation and uncertainty, her quest to find hope will bring her to the brink of the abyss. An exploration of fact, (science) fiction and the spaces in between. A star-bound journey that looks at the stories we tell ourselves when we feel most alone.
Developed at FRINGE LAB with the support of Dublin Fringe Festival.
Developed at Scene + Heard 2017
Created in association with Corn Exchange Theatre Company and Mermaid Arts Centre
Running time : 60 mins
Contains strobe lighting.
[cta headline=”Tickets €14/12 concession/11 preview” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”https://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873591857″ ][/cta]