
Volcano Explorer

The Festival of Curiosity

[blockquote_right] Fri 21 Jul | 2:30pm | Main Space

Family event recommended for children aged 5+[/blockquote_right]

From sleeping giants to gushing lava, journey to the centre of the Earth with a real life Volcanologist Professor Chris Bean. Prof. Chris Bean has worked for nearly 30 years as a scientist, studying earthquakes and volcanoes all around the world. Discover the sights and sounds of what lies beneath the surface of our planet. What it looks like, what it smells like and most importantly what it sounds like.

Find out if nature’s mountainous giants snore when they sleep! Professor Chris Bean is Head of the Geophysics Section in the School of Cosmic Physics (Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies) and also Former Director of the UCD Earth Institute (University College Dublin).

As part of the Family Explorer Series at The Festival of Curiosity, exploring real life explorers from the Stars to the Sea and from the Zoo to your Garden.

Duration: 60min

[cta headline=”Tickets €3″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873576024″ ] Book tickets for the Festival of Curiosity today![/cta]