
Rainforests & Reptiles

The Festival of Curiosity

[blockquote_right] Fri 21 Jul | 1pm | Main Space

Family event recommended for children aged 5+[/blockquote_right]

From the reptiles and snakes of Madagascar’s Rainforests to the foxes and frogs in your very own back garden, meet with a real life Zoologist and Rainforest Explorer Dr. Rob Gandola. Spending every summer in the rainforests of Madagascar, it’s Rob’s job to protect the most endangered snakes, frogs and lizards from extinction.

Come along to this special family explorer series event and discover the life of a Zoologist from searching for endangered species in the rainforest to studying frogs in your back garden. Dr Rob Gandola is a Senior Science Officer with the The Herpetological Society of Ireland. He has been a herpetologist for nearly 15 years and spends his summers in Madagascar Rainforests studying their native reptiles – in particular snakes, crocodiles and lizards. He has also studied Iguanas in Honduras, not to mention frogs all over Ireland.

As part of the Family Explorer Series at The Festival of Curiosity, exploring real life explorers from the Stars to the Sea and from the Zoo to your Garden.

Duration: 60min

[cta headline=”Tickets €3″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873576023″ ] Book tickets for the Festival of Curiosity today![/cta]