Modern Irish Music
[blockquote_right]Monday December 7th at 8pm
in The Banquet Hall[/blockquote_right]
Changing perceptions of Irish Music. A Blend of Contemporary and Traditional. New Art inspired by the music.
Modern Irish Music is an organisation set up to bring new music to new audiences in an accessible way.
Gavin Brennan, Triona Marshall and the RTE ConTempo String Quartet perform music from composers Linda Buckley, Deridre McKay, Michael McGlynn, Chris Moriarty-Pearson, Jane O’Leary, Eric Sweeney, Martin Tourish. With artist Una Kavanagh.
Special rates available for groups of 8+. Call 01-6770014 for more information.
[cta headline=”Tickets €12/€8″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://” ] Book tickets for Changing Perceptions of Irish Music today![/cta]