Rule of Three Collective
Dublin Fringe Festival 2018
[blockquote_right] 8 Sep at 6:45pm | 9 – 13 Sep at 9pm | Boys’ School[/blockquote_right]
An Irishwoman, an Englishwoman and a Germanwoman walk into a bar. A hostel bar in Barcelona where a fight for Catalonian independence rages on the streets outside. Aside from disrupted festival-going plans, all they hold in common is a fucker of a hangover. Trapped, the travellers rip stereotypes into confetti. Grab your passport for a buzzing trip of laughs through the past, present and future of three nations.
Running time : 60 mins
[cta headline=”Tickets €14/12 concession/11 preview” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″ ][/cta]