
Dreamgun Film Reads


“Merciless, hilarious. Consistently sharp, rapid-fire funny writing and crackling performances”
– The Irish Times

Dreamgun return to Smock Alley with their ever popular, always hilarious parody comedy show Film Reads! Since 2017, Dreamgun have taken some of our favourite movies, (The Lion King, Toy Story, Lord of the Rings) rewritten them and pumped them full of nonsense.  A different film every night, performed by unprepared comedians and actors? What could go wrong!

Thurs 15th: The Matrix
Fri 16th: Jurassic Park
Sat 17th: Titanic

WRITTEN BY Stephen Colfer, Gavin Drea and James McDonnell

CAST: Tony Cantwell, Ronan Carey, Stephen Colfer, Finbarr Doyle, Hannah Mamalis, Erin McGathy, Gavin Drea and Edwin Sammon

About The Company:

A comedy conglomerate of Stephen Colfer, Gavin Drea and James McDonnell.

TICKETS €20 | €18

3 shows for €45! Buy a ticket for each night for a total of €45.

Duration 70mins

Suitable for 12+ contains swear words

Twitter | Instagram @dreamgunandsons #filmreads

Thurs 15 – Sat 17 Jun
Main Space