Paul Winters
A dark comedy set in a prison, Doing Time is a piece like no other, which sets out to explore the relationships between strangers thrust together in this unique and trying environment. With their release dates a distant and faraway thought, and with long, slow, laborious days ahead, Mart and Frank fill their time with the rumours about Crapper and his young cell mate, Scanner. To relieve the never-ending boredom, they become investigators; Did anything untoward happen in Crapper’s cell? Where did Frank lose his precious treats? What is going on with Gloria? And how can Mart get through all of this without losing his mind.
“”A beautifully written and directed play with light and darkness, moments of hilarity and moments of great pathos. The play has a cast who have brought the four characters to life, imbuing them with a powerful and moving humanity.” Playwright/Author John McKenna
Cast includes Richard McWilliams (Fair City, Loves Portrait) Luke Collins
(A Scandal in Bethlehem, Ya Never Know), David Wrest (Bloodline Detectives) and Introducing, Neil Seery.
WRITTEN BY Paul Winters