Meet the Publishers | With Mariel Deegan, Deirdre Nolan and Ivan O’Brien
Join us for a morning of book chat with gifted writers, hosted by bestselling author and journalist Dave Kenny.
Our panel of experts will discuss strategies for online marketing (such as tips for building an online profile and maintaining a strong social media presence), blogging platforms for authors, resources for book design and layout, the pitfalls and common mistakes that authors make when submitting their manuscripts, editing techniques, and guidelines for the author’s project management steps along the way – in this fast-paced print and digital publishing landscape – from the slushpile to the printer!
Mariel Deegan is General Manager of New Island Books, Deirdre Nolan is Commissioning Editor for Gill Books, and Ivan O’Brien is Managing Director of The O’Brien Press, a family-owned book publishing company based in Dublin.
Running time : 90 mins
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 10:30am | Main Space | €15″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
Walking Tour with Frank Cullen
Dublin between 1600 and 1800 was a city of readers, writers and book-sellers, drinkers, thinkers and hell-raisers! It was a city of consumption, in which at the local coffee-shops, coffee, politics and news were consumed in abundance, not to mention wine, port and brandy in the numerous taverns.
Many such institutions were located in the warren of narrow backstreets surrounding Christchurch Cathedral. This tour will introduce a motley crew of quirky local residents who lived their lives in and around such streets, while also mentioning the various newspaper presses, coffee-shops, taverns and houses of ill repute that they frequented.
Participants will be gifted copies of Irish Historic Towns Atlas: Dublin (3 Vols) by the Royal Irish Academy so that you can continue to learn about Dublin city at home.
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 12pm | Front Steps | €8/€6 concession | Booking essential as places are limited” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
Ireland’s Inspiring Women with Marian Broderick, Martina Devlin, Lindie Naughton, Deirdre Raftery and Margaret Ward | In Conversation with Madeleine Keane
The women in the history of Ireland have proven themselves to be uniquely influential in their time, and still have a notable relevance in society today.
DBF are proud to present the work of a generation of inspiring women: True: Stories About Ireland’s Iconic Women (Poolbeg Press) by Martina Devlin; Nano Nagle: The Life and the Legacy (Irish Academic Press) by Deirdre Raftery; Bold, Brilliant and Bad: Irish Women From History (The O’Brien Press) by Marian Broderick; Hanna Sheehy Skeffington: Suffragette and Sinn Féiner: Her Memoirs and Political Writings (UCD Press) and Irish Women and the Vote (Irish Academic Press) by Margaret Ward; and Markievicz – A Most Outrageous Rebel (Merrion Press) by Lindie Naughton.
Leading the discussion will be editor, lecturer and award-winning travel journalist Madeleine Keane. Together they will tackle the history of Irish women and how they can inspire modern feminist movements. Our speakers have vast experience in journalism, fiction and non-fiction literature, and a wealth of knowledge that will ensure an engaging conversation.
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 12:30pm | Main Space | €7/5″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
Silver Thread Book Launch: Stories From Ordinary Lives
Nine authors, seemingly ordinary people, wrote Stories from Ordinary Lives (Silver Thread).
In the third act of their life, they look back and gather the stories of their childhood, younger years, or their experience of ageing.
We follow them back in time to a childhood in County Wexford during the Second World War, and we are led by a little girl all the way up Nelson’s Pillar. We travel to New York, Paris, Jerusalem and Knock; we walk the streets of Dublin and the lanes of the West of Ireland, Galway and Roscommon. We meet Mona Floodgate, Mrs. Jones and Mr. Muldoon, who seemed extraordinary characters to the children who met them. We read about love, illness, grief, laughter, and for a moment, we borrow the memories of these authors, and delight in the wonder of ordinary lives.
Sat 17th Nov | 12:30pm | Banquet Hall | Free Event
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 2pm | Boys’ School | Free Entry” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
Heartland: Words and Music from the Soul’s High Lonesome Valley | With Patrick McCabe | Accompanied by Ian Lynch of Lankum
The Heartland country of the soul is dark and yet, simultaneously is magnesium-bright. Where you can hear the wild voices of the crowd at a cockfight melding into an eerie music, as above it comes the shrill of the cocks crowing at a false dawn.
In this show by Patrick McCabe, with his complement of guest musicians including Ian Lynch of Lankum, the spirit of this nether-world which defies time and exists in several different dimensions at once, is omnipresent – as are the ghosts of Patrick Kavanagh, Joyce and Daffy Duck.
So why not come along, immerse yourself in their world and enjoy this magical Sunday afternoon show?
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 2:30pm | Main Space | €7/5″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
Irish/International PEN launch of their women’s manifesto IN ASSOCIATION WITH IRISH PEN AND INTERNATIONAL PEN
Join Irish PEN to launch International PEN’s Women’s Manifesto in Ireland. As Irish PEN’s Freedom to Write Campaign in association with the Irish Writers Centre WORD group gains momentum, hear about how this manifesto will affect women imprisoned for their words and strengthen our existing campaign.
The founding principle of the PEN Charter asserts that ‘literature knows no frontiers.’ These frontiers were traditionally borders between countries, but for many women the most powerful frontier is the front door. PEN believes that violence against women, in all its forms, creates dangerous forms of censorship. Culture, religion and tradition are repeatedly valued above human rights and used as arguments to encourage or defend harm against women. Freedom of expression and solidarity among writers are at the heart of PEN and the Irish PEN / WORD Freedom to Write Campaign has focused on writers who have been imprisoned for their words, several of whom have been women.
Join Anne Enright, June Considine, Frank Geary and Vanessa Fox O’Loughlin to launch the PEN Women’s Manifesto and to support Freedom to Write, championing those whose freedom is in danger.
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 3:45pm | Winter Garden | Free Admission, booking required” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”smock”][/cta]
Counterparts | With Andrea Carter, Brian Cregan, Madeleine D’Arcy and John O’Donnell | In Conversation with Danielle McLaughlin | IN ASSOCIATION WITH PETER MCVERRY TRUST
Edited by Danielle McLaughlin, Counterparts is an exciting new anthology featuring original writing from Irish authors with legal backgrounds alongside selected extracts from law reports.
Contributors include Andrea Carter, author of crime novels including the recent Murder at Greysbridge (Little, Brown Book Group), Brian Cregan, author of Parnell – A Novel (The History Press), Madeleine D’Arcy, author of the short story collection Waiting For the Bullet (Doire Press) and poet John O’Donnell, whose latest collection Sunlight: New and Selected Poems (Dedalus Press) was released this year.
These writers will present short readings from the anthology, followed by a discussion on the common ground between Law and Literature chaired by Danielle McLaughlin. Proceeds are in aid of Peter McVerry Trust, a charity working to combat homelessness.
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 3:30pm | Boys’ School | Free Entry, booking required” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
Humanology With Luke O’Neill
It all started with a bang! Or did it? Opposites attract! Or do they? We’re only human! But for how much longer? We’ll all die one day! Or will we?
Professor Luke O’Neill, Ireland’s most exciting scientist, will talk about our amazing existence and the future of humankind.
Luke will explore topics from his book Humanology (Gill Books), with topics ranging from ‘Why We Listen to Music’ to ‘I want you, I want you so bad: The Science of Finding Love.’
[cta headline=”Sun 18 Nov | 4pm | Main Space | SOLD OUT” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″][/cta]
[button color=blue size=medium link=]Events on Thurs 15 & Fri 16 Nov[/button]
[button color=blue size=medium link=]Events on Sat 17 Nov[/button]
[button color=blue size=medium link=]Children’s Programme[/button]
Smock Alley Theatre is delighted to host these events as part of the Dublin Book Festival 2018. To view the full festival programme visit