Tara Brandel
Dublin Fringe Festival 2019
[blockquote_right]7 – 10 Sep @ 18:45 | Black Box[/blockquote_right]
Who gets to dance? What kind of bodies are allowed to perform? What does it look like to be Irish?
Interrogate what makes an acceptable performer in contemporary Ireland, be it the ageing pole dancer, the migrant street dancer, or the non-normative body.
Playful, intense, poignant, irreverent; immerse yourself in an exploration of the roles of masculinity, queerness, MeToo and gender in our rapidly changing society.
Tara Brandel collaborates with Nigerian performer Nicholas Nwosu, an immigrant in Ireland, mixing street dance, twerking, contemporary dance, and aerial pole.
[cta headline=”Tickets €16 | €14 Student/OAP/Unwaged Concession | €11 preview” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”https://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873606300″][/cta]