[blockquote_right] 20 – 23 Apr | 7:30pm | Boys School [/blockquote_right]
A young couple’s arrival in their new home is disturbed by a caller from the past, whose presence unleashes the joys and tragedies of previous lives buried within those walls.
A stunning evocation of family life just after the War, April Bright is an extraordinary juxtaposition of two sets of ordinary lives divided by a half a century, yet linked by universal longings and dreams.
Written By: Dermot Bolger
Directed By: Paul Brennan
This is a poignant play with much sadness and grief, but also full of hope and love. An excellent night’s viewing.
– The Cork Examiner
A shining example of theatre.. always imaginative and at times stunning
– Sunday Express
Inchicore College a been providing excellence in drama training for nearly 30 years. For the past two years the Advanced Performance Graduates have been delighted to present their graduate production in Smock Alleys Boys School.
Past graduate productions include ‘The Dining Room’, ‘Once A Catholic’ and ‘The Grapes of Wrath’, directed by Mark Lambert.
‘Loveplay The Stone’, ‘I Do Not Like Thee Dr Fell’, ‘One for Sorrow’ , ‘Bad Sunday’ and ‘Stags and Hens’ directed by Bairbre Ni Chaomh.
[cta headline=”Tickets €13/ €10 concession / Student group rates available for 8+” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873552432/events” ] Book tickets for April Bright today![/cta]
For student group bookings please call Smock Alley Theatre on 01-6770014