
WILD Intentions

Wild Intentions


[blockquote_right] 14 Jan | Banquet Hall | 2:30pm[/blockquote_right]

Join WILD at their pioneering second event, held in the warm and beautiful Banquet Hall. This is an opportunity to turn wishful thinking into positive intentions.

It is the time to reflect and project, the time to look inwards to discover what you truly want to manifest outwards. Tuning into your purpose and creating your vision for the year ahead. It is time to set the wheels in motion so you can begin to live the life you aspire to live filled with meaning and purpose.

Create space to listen. Create your community. Create your world.

As with all things WILD, expect a yoga, food, music fusion, and this time there’s a talk to boot! There will be a healthy dose of top notch yoga led by Lee Tracey, accompanied by amazing live musician Gary Dunne, followed by some delicious bites from the good folks of Blazing Salads, topped off with a talk on all things meditation by the fantastic Alison Canavan. A stellar line up in an exquisite setting.

WILD – Live Differently

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WILD on Instagram

[cta headline=”Tickets €45″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/#/shows/873568810″]Book tickets for WILD Intentions[/cta]