Little Shadow Theatre Company
[blockquote_right] 28 Aug – 2 Sep | 8pm | Boys School[/blockquote_right]
It is the time of the Protestant Ascendancy in Co. Kerry when priest hunting is a favorite pastime.
A young clergyman has escaped the gallows and fled to the Slieve Mish Mountains to be protected by a loyal band of rapparees from the pursuing Dragoon Sergeant Edward Tynan.
Written by: Seamus Lucason
Directed by: James M. O’Connor
Cast: Gary Buckley, Des Early, Liam Griffin, Chris Hayes, Eoin O’Sullivan, Peter Prior & Adam Tyrrell.
About the company: Little Shadow Theatre company has a bright history after debuting in the summer of 2015. Their first production Goodbye To Marie written by Joe O’Neill ran across Dublin (including a run at Smock Alley Theatre) and has since had an Irish Tour. The company also staged The New Irish Playbook 2016 in The Sean O’Casey Theatre. Most recently Little Shadow has enjoyed recent success with performances of Franner & Joey and The Boy with the Halogen Hair by Eddie Naughton in the Teachers Club and Venom So Sweet by Roger Gregg in Theatre Upstairs.
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Suitable for ages 14+
Running time: 90 mins
[cta headline=”Tickets €15/€12 conc” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://” ] Book tickets for The Rapparees today![/cta]