
Stags and Hens


DIT Drama Society

Unknown to each other, Linda and Dave have decided to have their respective hen and stag parties in the same tacky Dublin club – or more accurately, in its toilets. With the girls applying make­up, doing their hair and crying in cubicles, and the boys puking into the lavatory and drawing on the walls, the whole of Stags and Hens takes place in the Ladies and Gents.

[blockquote_left] 27th + 28th Apr | 8pm | The Main Space [/blockquote_left]

Both parties are out on the pull, after a night (or even just a few minutes) of passion – with the exception of the groom, who is throwing up after the curry, and the bride, who is having second thoughts. Russell’s raucous, coarse, and very funny play is a brilliant depiction of what passes for courtship, and the squeals, jeers and flings considered a necessary prelude to getting married.

​DIT Drama Society has been around for over ten years and has produced many top quality and scintillating theatrical productions, bringing great satisfaction and enjoyment to audiences young and old, and to the students who take part. Alumni of DIT Drama Society include Domhnall Gleeson, who starred opposite Saoirse Ronan in the 2015 film Brooklyn.

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[cta headline=”Tickets €5″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873553093/events” ] Book tickets for Stags and Hens today![/cta]