Dublin Fringe Festival 2017
[blockquote_right]20 – 23 Sep | 9pm plus 3:30pm on 23 Sep | Black Box[/blockquote_right]
The magic is not the disappearing act. The magic is forgetting you saw the strings attached. Claude and his closest friends are haunted by absence, loss, and a mysterious being: Papini. Val has disappeared, and Andrew, Claude’s brother, never came home. Papini slowly fills the space they left behind. Claude reacts as they always have: by writing a story. That story is adrenaline-fuelled voodoo. From brand new theatre collective Felicity, this interdisciplinary performance is intimate, cosmic and thrilling. It’s a body-high for those seeking theatrical amphetamine. Come disappear. No strings attached.
Developed at FRINGE LAB with the support of Dublin Fringe Festival.
Running time : 75 mins
Contains adult themes.
[cta headline=”Tickets €14/12 concession/11 preview” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873576224″][/cta]