The Lalala Choir
A show for all ages; come and hear about the adventures of Óisín and Níamh, and their journey away from Ireland to the Land of Eternal Youth.
Conducted by Sam Kavanagh, The Lalala Choir is a new group of singers who will present their own arrangements of Irish folk songs, performed alongside a unique ensemble of trad and jazz musicians, and featuring the surrealist storytelling style of Ríona Sally Hartman.
[blockquote_right] 12th March | 6pm | Main Space [/blockquote_right]
The Lalala Choir is a group of 25+ singers that focuses on story-based projects and uses choral improvisation techniques to create their own arrangements.
Riona Sally Hartman’s music is known for its lush vocal harmonies, acoustic softness and the surrealist stories that accompany her songs.
The Lalala Choir (conducted by Sam Kavanagh)
Ríona Sally Hartman – Storyteller
Julien Colarossi – Guitar
Pierre Beauguitte – Flutes
Amy Ryan – Cello
[cta headline=”Tickets €15/€12 conc” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://” ] Book tickets for Otherworld today![/cta]