Blue Diamond Drama
[blockquote_right]31 Jan – 1 Feb | 7:30pm & 12.00pm on Fri | Main Space[/blockquote_right]
One Love is a joyous exploration of friendship, what it’s like to be in love and have a learning disability.
Paul and Orla are engaged and making plans for their future. One Love charts their journey towards their big day.
Blue Diamond Drama Academy is a new initiative which is providing a 2 year drama training for talented adult performers with a learning disability.
One Love has been researched and devised by the graduates of the academy.
Blue Diamond is a new theatre company which the graduates of the academy have formed. The company is ambitious and is committed to creating engaging work. A show not to be missed!
“The best hour in weeks, an antidote to what has been going on in the world, it brings you back to what is important”
– Audience member
DIRECTED BY: Niamh Dillon
COSTUME DESIGN BY: Audrey Hamilton
CHOREOGRAPHY: Steve Kirkham from UK’s Frantic Assembly
Suitable for 10+
Running time : 60 mins
[cta headline=”Tickets €15 | €12 preview/OAP/student/unwaged concession | €10 matinee” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=]Book tickets for One Love today![/cta]