Darina Gallagher and Sinead Murphy
[blockquote_right] Sat 17 June | 1pm | Boys School[/blockquote_right]
Following the great success of their award winning show ‘Songs of Joyce’, Darina Gallagher and Sinead Murphy have created a wonderful new Joycean musical, Misses Liffey.
In this 50 minute performance, Anna Livia Plurabelle brings us on a riverrun journey through the city of Dublin, introducing us to many of James Joyce’s women characters that live, work, sing and laugh along her banks. We hear from Nuvoletta and the Washerwomen from Finnegans Wake, the Morkan Sisters and Eveline from Dubliners and the siren barmaids, Dilly Dedalus and the seaside girls in Ulysses. Anna finally bids us farewell as she meets her cold, mad father – the sea, only to fin again, begin again…
“A brilliant new Joycean-themed musical” – Frank McNally, The Irish Times.
[cta headline=”Tickets €15/€12 conc” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873574755/events” ][/cta]