
Malacoda’s Bridge – The Ninth Circle of Hell

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The Gaiety School of Acting in collaboration with Southern Illinois University School of Music

Raya is desperate to escape. Even her lover, Tam, fails her when she most needs him. Her road is littered with the corpses of those who have come before her. There are plenty of offers of help for a beautiful young woman. Who can she trust?

[blockquote_right] 1 + 2 Jun | 7pm | Boys School [/blockquote_right]

Malacoda’s Bridge is a one hour play, featuring original music, which will enchant and challenge your view of any certainties. This new play has been devised specifically for the students of Southern Illinois University, who’ve flown to Dublin for its world premiere in Smock Alley Theatre on June 1st.

Written by Martin Maguire
Directed by Patrick Sutton

[cta headline=”Tickets €15/€12 conc” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873554348/events” ] Book tickets for Malacoda’s Bridge today![/cta]