Chaos Factory
Dublin Fringe Festival 2018
[blockquote_right] 11 – 15 Sep at 7pm | 15 Sep at 3pm | Black Box[/blockquote_right]
A dressing room. Three women invite you in. A multifaceted performance about the Ireland we live in. About the Ireland we could live in. #MeToo has happened. The game is changing, times are shifting and the masks are finally slipping. Everyone’s a witness. So where do we go from here? The jury is still out. A show created and performed by Fionnuala Gygax, Danielle Galligan and Venetia Bowe. About moving. Moving forward from past oppressions and microaggressions. About looking back but never returning, arriving and trying to define the new. A surreal spectacle of beauty, bravery and brutality.
Play development has been supported by Fishamble: The New Play Company’s New Play Clinic.
Contains nudity and the use of smoke machines
Running time : 60 mins
[cta headline=”Tickets €14/12 concession/11 preview” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”″ ][/cta]