Tartarus Theatre Company
[blockquote_right]29th March – 2nd April at 8pm 2015
in The Boys’ School[/blockquote_right]
By William Shakespeare
Greed. Deceit. Treachery. Power.
What happens when those who placed you at the top of your empire decide the empire is no longer yours?
Tartarus Theatre Company brings you our adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Set against the backdrop of modern gangland, this dark and vivid take on the classic promises a richly stylised and textured tale of ambition, corruption and blood soaked deception.
Directed by Robbie O’Raw
Set Design: Robbie O’Raw and Aidan White
Lighting design: Colm Eaton
Assistant Director: Paul Mahady
12+ Contains scenes of violence
Brutus: Fiona Coughlan
Caesar: Barry Kelleghan
Casca: Conor Hanley
Cassius: Warren Hanley
Cinna: Karen Kelly
Lepidus: Conor Miley (Understudy Gary Clarke)
Mark Anthony: Aidan White
Mettelus: Eoin O’Sullivan
Octavius: Neil McCourt (Understudy Gary Clarke)
The Poet: Leah Newsome
Portia: Katherine Devlin (Understudy Aisling Maria Cronin)
Varro: Gemma Long (Understudy Paul Mahady)
Founded in 2015 by two Bull Alley compatriots, Tartarus Theatre Company takes its debut bow with its adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
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[cta headline=”Tickets €15/€12 concession” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873545903/events” ] Book tickets for Julius Caesar today![/cta]