Dublin Youth Dance Company
[blockquote_right]Sun 8 Jul | 8pm | Main Space[/blockquote_right]
Dublin Youth Dance Company are thrilled to present an evening of dance at the Smock Alley Theatre as part of the 18th Irish Youth Dance Festival.
The festival has consistently delivered exciting, highly physical and uplifting performances from a selection of up-and-coming Irish and International Youth Dance Companies and each year programmes masterclasses, workshops, informal showings and outdoor performances.
Visit www.dublinyouthdance.com for more info.
Dublin Youth Dance Company (DYDC) is one of Ireland’s premiere contemporary youth- dance group that strives for excellence and high standards. The company’s main objectives are to offer young people an opportunity to experience and participate in the creation, production and performance of dance at the highest-level of expertise. Established in 2000 at Dance Theatre of Ireland’s Centre for Dance in Dun Laoghaire, the company has grown its artistic programme each year and to date has expanded to include a Junior company (12-17 yrs) as well as the Senior company (17-23 yrs). DYDC annually hosts the Irish Youth Dance Festival (IYDF) at the Pavilion Theatre. In 2002 Mariam Ribón was appointed the Artistic Director of Dublin Youth Dance Company and the Irish Youth Dance Festival. During her tenure, both the company and the festival have expanded and developed a strong following.
[cta headline=”Tickets €14 | €12 student/OAP/unwaged concession | €10 for groups of 8+” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873589277]Book tickets for Irish Youth Dance Festival today![/cta]