Brazen Tales Productions
Dublin Fringe Festival 2017
[blockquote_right] 19 – 23 Sep | 6:30pm | Main Space[/blockquote_right]
You’re vexed, you’re scared, you want change. But no matter how zen you try to be, sometimes you just need to ROAR!!! Screaming and shouting is frowned upon but swallowing down that raging fire might make you sick!
Witness the Brazen Ensemble tackling that most feared emotion with their trademark, twisted humour. An absurd, physical comedy exploring the battle between our animal instincts and rational minds. They’re done with the passive-aggressive bullshit, toxic keyboardtrolls and wannabe-warriors jumping on the bandwagon of outrage. So cut the crap, be brazen, get angry and join a rousing spectacle!
Supported by axis Ballymun and Mermaid Arts Centre. Developed at Collaborations Festival.
Running time : 55 mins
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