
Gladys and the Gutter Stars

Rachel Gleeson and Cameron Macauley

Dublin Fringe Festival 2017

[blockquote_right]11 – 14 Sep at 6:45pm, 16 + 17 Sep at 12:15pm | Boys’ School[/blockquote_right]

It has been a time of soul searching for Gladys and The Gutter Stars. They have stowed themselves away for months in seclusion, working on their hotly anticipated new album.
Rumours abound. Some say it will be released on floppy disk. Others, that it consists entirely of whale song.
Whatever the case may be, you’re invited to a sneak preview of their work thus far.
This performance marks their extremely self-assured step back into the limelight. They’re a phoenix rising from the ashes: majestic, but a bit confused about how they got here.

Developed at FRINGE LAB with the support of Dublin Fringe Festival.

Running time : 60 mins

[cta headline=”Tickets €14/12 concession/11 preview” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/shows/873576226″][/cta]