The Ragamuffin Company
[blockquote_right] 13 Jul | 6pm & 8:30pm | Boys School [/blockquote_right]
Dublin (June 2016) – “There comes a moment in a young artist’s life when
he knows he has to bring something to the stage from within himself.” – Mikhail Baryshnikov
Ragamuffin Collective is delighted to present En Masse, a night of original theatre by The Gaiety School of Acting’s Class of 2016. The evening will showcase 18 pieces of new writing directed by Donal Courtney and developed with mentors Raymond Keane, Iseult Golden, Michelle Read, Bryan Burroughs, and Stephanie Courtney.
Originally created as part of The Gaiety School’s Manifesto Programme these short works in progress feature everything from monologues to movement pieces by a young generation of Irish theatre-makers. En Masse promises an evening of entertainment that will cater to all theatrical tastes.
[cta headline=”Tickets €15/13 concession” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://” ] Book tickets for En Masse today![/cta]