Luke Casserly
Dublin Fringe Festival 2017
[blockquote_right]20 – 23 Sep| 7pm plus 1:30pm on 23 Sep | Black Box[/blockquote_right]
An original devised work led by director Luke Casserly deconstructing the controversial events surrounding the Kerry babies case of the 1980s.
The truth will be disabled and nothing will be left to the imagination.
A group of young theatre-artists sit in a room, but not one of them can understand or attempt to understand the meaninglessness of it all.
On 14 April 1984 a woman’s identity was shattered to pieces.
33 years later we are still trying to piece it back together.
Developed in association with the Drama Department in Trinity College Dublin. Supported by Longford County Council Arts Office.
Contains use of smoke machines.
Running time : 55 mins
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