Derek Ball
[blockquote_right]Sat 2 Dec | 8pm | Boys’ School[/blockquote_right]
Soprano Elizabeth Hilliard sings you a song – one which just happens to last about an hour and a half – in the dramatic surroundings of the Boys’ School.
The song is ‘Crann’ (Tree). Be prepared for an immersive experience, new music, poetry and stage design.
In Irish with English subtitles.
Music: Derek Ball
Words: ‘Crann’ is an Irish transcreation by Gabriel Rosenstock of the poem ‘Tree’ by Richard Berengarten
Elizabeth Hilliard, soprano
Mark O’Keeffe, trumpet
David Bremner, piano
Running time: No more than 90 minutes
The piece plays continuously – no interval.
[cta headline=”Tickets €15/10 concession” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://″]Book tickets for CRANN today…[/cta]