
Comedy Corner


First Fortnight Festival 2017

What’s My Motivation Here?
Eleanor Tiernan is known for railing against the government, the terrorists and the other enemies of the people…. Grrrr bloody corporations! Unfortunately however, in the struggles of daily life like finding a flat and maintaining a clean ear canal, a well-researched opinion on Middle Eastern politics isn’t particularly helpful. In a brand new stand up show, Tiernan shares what’s really been on her mind and boy is it tedious. All of the minor issues will be dealt with… bins, parka jackets, wedding bouquets and how to sleep on a couch for a month without losing your sanity. Warning: This comedy show may not blow your mind but it might Febreeze it until you have time to give it a proper clean later on.

[blockquote_right]Thu 12 Jan | 8pm | Boys School [/blockquote_right]

Fabulous Failings of Gráinne McKeever

Happily weaving her way on the fast track through life, Gráinne McKeever has expertly managed to avoid all of the usual pitfalls this world can throw at a gal. She’s managed to make it to her mid-life, crisis free, and has only just realised that there’s not much fun in that at all. In the debut of her first solo show TedX talker, teacher and comedian Gráinne McKeever looks back on her life in an attempt to salvage and celebrate some of her most Fabulous Failings and give them the true credit they deserve.

[cta headline=”Tickets €12/€10″ buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://smockalley.ticketsolve.com/#/shows/873567501″ ] Book tickets for Comedy Corner today![/cta]