Then This Theatre
New York City, 1990. Ruth is the imperious author of acclaimed works of fiction. Lisa is the callow and eager student who dreams of literary stardom. Lisa offers Ruth her services as personal assistant, and before you can say “All About Eve” the younger woman has begun appropriating secrets from Ruth’s glory days to rocket herself to success, but at what cost?
Written by Donald Margulies, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and one of America’s most widely-acclaimed theatrical voices.
[blockquote_right] 3 + 4 Apr | 7:30pm | Main Space [/blockquote_right]
Then This Theatre is proud to present the Irish premiere of an American masterwork. Directed by Aoife Spillane-Hinks, and performed by Maeve Fitzgerald (Bailegangaire) and Bríd Ní Neachtain (The Remains of Maisie Duggan).
I exaggerated. What is art if not an exaggeration of the truth?
“The pleasures of Margulies’ dialogue are indisputable. He’s a writer of wit and intelligence, who never stoops to earning laughs at the expense of his characters’ integrity.” – Variety US
“Margulies’ writing has a hypnotic, almost poetic, beauty in this monologue suffused with the ache of nostalgia” – Variety US
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