No Borders Theatre
[blockquote_right] 9th July | 7:30pm | Main Space [/blockquote_right]
No Borders is a theatre event that will raise funds for Ireland Calais Refugee Solidarity.
The show will feature a series of one-act plays, two performances of poetry and a musical performance, all of which deal the effects of war and having to leave one’s homeland.
All of the pieces have been written specifically for this event and so are enjoying their premiere performances here in Dublin.
There will be a Q and A session with the show’s writers, directors and cast members after the performance.
The full line-up of pieces and all of the other relevant details are as follows:
The Past
Written and directed by John Hayes. Performed by Judy Donovan,Sean McNally and Rosie O’Regan.
I Am Not Here
Written, directed and performed by Rosie O’Regan.
You Have It All Backwards
Written by Mark Evans. Directed by John Hayes. Performed by Pauline O’Driscoll.
War Separates
Written and performed by Louise Barry. Directed by John Hayes.
The Cage
Written and directed by John Hayes. Performed by Lucky Khambule.
Written and performed by Doreen Manning.
Written and directed by John Hayes. Performed by Oran Murphy and Karina Cyril Portugal.
My Name Is Zakia
Written and directed by John Hayes. Performed by Jean Van Sinderen-Law.
This Island Hope
Written and directed by John Hayes. Performed by Jennifer Lipinski and Oran Murphy.
[cta headline=”Tickets €18/€15 conc” buttontext=”Book Now” buttonlink=”httpss://” ] Book tickets for No Borders today![/cta]